Foundations – Crawler and wheel-mounted pile-drivers
The R233 overhead line pile-driver/crawler-mounted pile-driver is ideally suited for jobs on soft soils and uneven terrain. Its large undercarriages allow rapid relocation without damage to crops.
Functional Characteristics
Twisting in pipes with diameter up to 1,000 mm and length 10 m
Large running gear with plastic tracks (SW 140)
The pile drivers can also be used in difficult terrain
Fast, cost-effective change in location
Emergency hydraulics for folding in and driving (Weserhütte SW 140 crawler-mounted pile-driver)
EC emissions standards are fulfilled (Weserhütte SW 140 crawler-mounted pile-driver)
Technical specifications
Deutz 32 kW (44 hp)
Dead weight
25.680 kg
Effective length
mast with extension: 12.50 m, long mast: 10.5 m, short mast: 7 m
Piling equipment
diesel hammer D 15
Pile-driven material
up to 3 t at 3 m outreach, up to 3.5 t at 2.5 m outreach
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