The RM 900 S was designed by SPITZKE SE, together with the manufacturer, for processing track ballast. It also integrates the new ballast feeder and 09-CSM tamping. The excavation and cleaning performance rates (in one operation) exceed the capacity of conventional machines.
Functional Characteristics
High-performance excavating equipment
High-performance screening plant
Progress rates of 300 to 390 m/h at a maximum screening capacity of 900 m³/h in one operation
Complete ballast replacement in one operation
Ballasting using a ballast plough with level control
Level controlled placement of new ballast
Equipment for compacting the ballast
Integrated continuously working 09-32 CSM tamping machine
Sweeping plant
Measuring, controlling and recording equipment (8-channel recorder) for clearing depth, track gradient, track lowering as well as relative difference in rail levels, twist and versed sine
Laser for controlling the cleaning depth
Technical specifications
Overall weight
345 t
Height above top of rail
4.600 mm
Length over buffers
102.000 mm
Number of axes
Engine output (total)
1.500 kW
Maximum speed in train formation
100 km/h
Maximum self-propelled speed
60 km/h
Performance parameters
Performance (depending on the cleaning width)
max. 390 m/h
Screening capacity
max. 900 m³/h
Cleaning depth
max. 1000 mm above top of rail
Depth cleared
≥ 200 mm
Chain height
350 mm
Width cleared
4,000 mm, 4,350 mm, 4,950 mm (plus 2 x 500 mm with shield)
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Wann? 18. Januar bis 15. März Wo? an 8 Standorten in Deutschland